The HERO Website
1. Why am I filling out this questionnaire?
By completing this form you will be helping your employer obtain competitive rates
for your health insurance.
2. What medical information will I need on hand?
You will need detailed information about past and present medical conditions pertaining
to you and your dependents. This includes surgeries and prescription medications
as well as specific dates regarding the diagnosis and treatment of the condition.
3. Why do I need to create an account?
You are asked to create an account so that you may save your progress when completing
your form and return to it at a later date, if necessary.
4. Is my information secure?
The HERO website is designed in accordance with HIPAA standards to keep your data
as secure as possible-with automatic encryption for all of your sensitive information.
When you register or log in to begin the wizard we use Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
which gives you robust protection by encrypting the data you send across the internet.
All of your information is protected by SSL, with an encryption key length of 168
bits - the highest level commercially available. Your personal information is stored
on our servers and safeguarded electronically. The data is encrypted using a custom
built algorithm before it is stored in the database.
5. Why is my SSN required?
In order to enroll in health care benefits, the carrier may request to obtain your
SSN to make sure you are given the correct benefits you have selected.
Technical Details
The mobile friendly HERO website is best viewed in Chrome on Android devices and on Safari on IPhone/IPad devices.
To protect your privacy please remember to close all browser windows upon completion of the questionnaire.
1. How do I acquire an email address?
2. How do I enable JavaScript on my computer?
In order to properly view the PHQ, you will need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. To do so, please follow the instructions below:
Chrome on Android devices
Step 1: Tap the Menu button. This is located in the upper-right corner of the browser screen, and looks like three dots stacked vertically. If your phone has a Menu button, you can tap that as well.
Step 2: Tap "Settings". This is towards the bottom of the menu. You may need to scroll down to find it.
Step 3: Tap "Site settings". In the Settings menu, look for the "Site settings" option located in the Advanced category.
Step 4: Tap "JavaScript".
Step 5: Slide the "JavaScript" setting control to the right to enable it. Once done, JavaScript will be enabled in the browser and you can exit the Settings menu. You will need to reload any pages you are currently visiting for the changes to take effect.
Safari on IPad/IPhone devices
Step 1: Tap the "Settings" icon on the home screen
Step 2: Scroll the Settings page down to the bottom
Step 3: Tap the "Safari" menu option
Step 4: Scroll the "Safari" settings section down
Step 5: Tap on the "Advanced" menu item
Step 6: Find the "JavaScript" setting
Step 7: Slide the JavaScript setting control to the right to enable it
How to complete the form
1. What does the red text mean?
The red text can indicate a few different situations:
The value is the wrong data type for the field or is in the wrong format. For Example,
email addresses and dates must be in a specific format.
The value is not valid or not in a valid range. For example, 55/02/3000 is not in
a valid range for a birth-date.
A field was left blank or unanswered. If you see an *
it is a required field.
2. What are dependents?
A dependent is a child under the age of 26. You will also need to add your spouse
if they are planning on being on your employer’s health plan.
3. Why can’t I move to the next step?
If you cannot move to the next step it is because there has been an error on the
current step that must be resolved before you continue (see red text information
above). If you need to stop the process to get more information, click the Save
and Close button and then you can return and complete all the required fields at
a later time.